Masina modelat pe rotund 200-2000 gr
47.920,64 lei + TVA (57.025,56 lei cu TVA)
Structura otel vopsit
Putere: 2,3 kw
Gramaje modelate: 200 – 2000 gr
Productivitate: 2000 buc/h
Greutate: 300 Kg
Dimensiuni: 1020x960x1550h mm
Productie Italia
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Descrierea produsului
Masina de modelat rotund este proiectata pentru rotunjirea aluatului de paine sau diverse produse de patiserie.
Masina modelat rotund este rezultatul celor mai avansate tehnologii, este potrivit pentru procesarea oricarui tip de aluat.
Cu canale concave fixe. Permit obţinerea unor bile sferice uniforme. Are un sistem special de uscare a aluatului, astfel impiedicand aluatul sa se lipeasca.
Masina este montata pe roti, cu dispozitiv de franare permitind astfel o manevrabilitate simpla si usoara.
Transmisia este pe curea
Ideal for rounding both medium and soft dough with up to 70% water to flour ratio. The rounding effect is achieved by means of a cone that, while rotating, rolls the dough along a concave spiral-shaped channel, thus producing spherical loaves.
It can be equipped with a hot and cold air ventilation system which allows, with the slight drying of the surface, to perfectly process even the most humid doughs.
The standard equipment includes an automatic flourduster. The channels are Teflon-coated to help dough slide, thus ensuring easiest operation.
MPCR: The channels distance from the cone can be adjusted in order to get the same accuracy of form over the 30 gr. – 1600 gr. range. Thanks to this system it is also possible to calibrate the rounding force and the pieces tightness.
Informatii suplimentare
Greutate cu ambalaj | 300 kg |
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