Racitoare apa 100 litri ECO

Cod produs: MPMR100ECO Categorie:

14.078,24 lei + TVA (16.753,11 lei cu TVA)

Afișează prețul în euro / lei cu butonul de mai sus

Structura otel inoxidabil
Putere: 0,37 kw
Capacitate: 100 litri
Productivitate: 100 litri/ora
Fara pompa
Gaz R449A (GWP 1397)
Dimensiuni: 500x x 570 x1350h mm
Productie Italia

Cod produs: MPMR100ECO Categorie:

Descrierea produsului

Aparatul raceste apa pentru aluat, pentru a mentine temperatura constanta a aluatului.
Racitor apa cu termostat

General characteristics

  • Made in stainless steel
  • Wall mounting (prepared)
  • Cooling power according to EN 13215/CECOMAF (temperature: evaporation at -10ºC, condensation at 45ºC, room temperature at 32ºC)
  • Cooling gas R449A (GWP 1397)
  • Horizontal equipment
  • Room temperature under 38ºC
  • Increased capacity provided by 100l modular system
  • Thermal insulation with polyurethane
  • Equipped with an air valve and a shut-off valve
  • Water temperature control in ºC (digital)


The MR/ECO is cooling equipment directed to the bakery and pastry industries, that allows water conservation at certain temperatures defined by the professionals, providing them with a favourable control in the execution of their recipes. The rigour in monitoring the water temperature as well as the modular construction, which allows the addition of more coolers (for greater cooling capacity), are the main advantages provided by the water cooler MAC.PAN.
Gravity system – single phase – 100lt/h – modulable (possibility to connect more chillers to increase
production) – predisposition for wall installation

Informatii suplimentare

Greutate cu ambalaj 80 kg


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