Masina modelat lung 600 mm cu banda

Cod produs: MPFR2CF60 Categorie:

26.657,35 lei + TVA (31.722,25 lei cu TVA)

Afișează prețul în euro / lei cu butonul de mai sus

Structura din otel
Putere: 1,1 Kw
Lungime role: 600 mm
Gramaje modelate: 25-800 gr
Numar cilindri: 2
Greutate: 200 Kg
Dimensiuni: 920x1650x1200 mm

Cod produs: MPFR2CF60 Categorie:

Descrierea produsului

Control special care face posibil trecerea de la procesul de modelar la cel de turat.
Echipat cu dispozitiv de siguranta
Cu suport
Productie Italia
Masina de modelat lung este ideala pentru format franzela sau baghete.

  • Extremely delicate machine during the rolling phase
  • Moulding machines, with a standard width of 500 or 600 mm
  • Strong machines
  • Structure in painted steel
  • Structure in stainless steel (on request)
  • The movement units are assembled on ball bearings
  • It can roll and mould pieces from 25 g to 800 g of any type of dough, without tearing
  • Version F has an adjustable long loaf moulder, 500 mm or 600 mm wide and 800 mm long
** The FR2 CA bread moulder machines are equipped with a automatic anti-rejection device for a soft rolling of the dough. In fact, the machine can also be used for rolled croissants.


The 2 cylinder moulding machine FR2C with a standard width of 500/600 mm, is a versatile and robust machine. Its structure is completely made of painted steel and all the moving parts are mounted on ball bearings which make the FR2C a solid and silent machine. FR2C is also versatile as it can roll up 25 gr. and 800 gr pieces of any type of dough without causing any tear. The standard equipment is made up of: in feed belt, standards compliant safety guard, a device for the return of the formats, two small benches, a device for the blocking of the upper table-holding sheet and 4 self locking wheels. OPTIONAL: It can be combined with our independent long loaf moulder ROLLPRESS

Informatii suplimentare

Greutate cu ambalaj 200 kg


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